10 Tips to Stay Healthy During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. Until now, positive cases of coronavirus have increased. To protect themselves from exposure to Covid-19, it is important for the disciplined community to implement health protocols to avoid exposure to this virus. In addition, it is highly recommended to increase endurance.

One way that can be done is to apply a healthy lifestyle. Here are tips for starting a healthy lifestyle in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

1. Rest Enough

Although working from home, but rest and sleep is an important thing that should not be forgotten. Getting enough night's sleep will help maintain overall body health, including boosting the immune system.

So, try to sleep seven to eight hours every night. In addition to getting enough rest, make sure you are always well hydrated through regular consumption of water in sufficient quantities.

2. Consumption of Nutritious Food

Ready meals and instant meals are tempting. However, at times like this it is good if the consumption of nutritious foods balanced with vegetables and fruits and vitamins.

This is important, because, nutrients such as vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits can make the body strong so that it is not susceptible to disease. In addition, try to eat regularly and do not skip meals, let alone breakfast.

3. ActiveLy Moving and Exercising Routine

At home, that doesn't mean you can be lazy. Instead, you need to be more active and move more. To keep the body fit and healthy, try to exercise regularly.

For example, by doing yoga, cycling or just walking around the home area 15 minutes every day. By starting a healthier lifestyle, the process of regeneration and metabolism in the body becomes more maximal, so that the body becomes much healthier.

4. Maintain Hygiene

Even though you are in the house for a long time, you still have to prioritize personal hygiene and the surrounding environment. Make sure to wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds periodically, such as before and after eating, after the toilet, after activities, and if your hands are dirty.

If you cough or sneeze, cover your life and mouth with a tissue. After that, immediately throw the tissues in the trash and wash your hands thoroughly. Also keep the house clean.

5. Sunbathing

The next way to increase endurance is to sunbathe. The results of the study mentioned that sunlight can trigger the production of vitamin D which can increase endurance.

Therefore, sunbathe at least 3 times a week for 10-15 minutes, especially at 09.00–10.00 am.

6. Positive Thinking

Mindset can affect a person's level of health. Positive thinking is the main key in managing stress, which will further play a role in bringing many health benefits such as, not easily sick, longer life expectancy, lower levels of depression, being able to think creatively, and memory ability and higher concentration power.

7. Drink plenty of water

Diligently drinking water can maintain hydration so that the body does not lack fluids. Lack of fluids or dehydration can make the body become weak and even faint.

8. Taking Supplements

Adequate nutritional intake is needed to support the work of the immune system to be stronger against disease germs. However, if nutrients from food are not fulfilled, you need to take endurance-enhancing supplements, especially those containing vitamin C, vitamin D, and Echinacea.

According to research, polysaccharide compounds and glycoproteins present in Echinacea are able to improve the performance of the immune system in fighting infection.

9. Set a Diet

Eating fresh produce may not always be possible. You can try to choose healthier options that contain less content, such as saturated fat, sugar, and salt.

Also try to avoid sugary drinks and instead drink plenty of water. Make processed fruit or vegetable drinks such as lemon, lime, cucumber or berries, so a great way to add an extra touch of flavor and nourish the body.

10. Wearing a Mask

In times of pandemics, the health of the body is the highest priority. Therefore, protecting yourself from corona virus transmission becomes a must. As you know that one of the ways of transmission of the corona virus is through the splash of saliva that comes out when coughing or talking.

One of the efforts you can do to protect yourself from exposure to the deadly virus is to use a mask. As personal protective equipment, masks have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of coronavirus transmission. The correct use of a mask can dispel the splash of saliva that comes out accidentally when talking, coughing or sneezing.

Not only stop at the use of masks, you can also limit transmission by diligently washing your hands after touching something. The recommendation of the use of masks has actually been echoed by many parties. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued guidelines for the use of masks or pandemics.

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