Characteristics of First Cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019

The coronavirus began to spread since the end of 2019 and has taken many victims, both who were treated to death. First appearing in Wuhan, China, the virus that attacks human breathing is also known as COVID-19, which stands for Coronavirus Disease 19. The process of coronavirus infection can be transmitted from people who already have COVID-19 to healthy people through fluids that come out of the nose or mouth when people cough or sneeze.

Coronavirus infection can also be contracted from fluid inhaled by healthy people when close to the patient. There are some corona symptoms that usually occur gradually. Let's understand what the symptoms of corona from day to day in order to get help immediately.

Here are 10 characteristics of being exposed to the COVID-19 coronavirus, as quoted from CNN Health.

1. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is not usually an early symptom of COVID-19, but it is the most serious. It can happen on its own, without coughing. If your chest feels tight or you start to feel as if you can't breathe deep enough to fill your lungs with air, it's a sign of action quickly, experts say. "If there is shortness of breath immediately contact your health care provider, local emergency care or emergency department," said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association. The CDC lists other emergency warning signs for COVID-19 as "persistent pain or pressure in the chest," and "bluish lips or face," which can indicate a lack of oxygen. Get immediate medical attention, the CDC says.

2. Fever               

Fever is a key sign of COVID-19. Because some people can have a core body temperature lower or higher than the normal temperature of 37.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius), experts say it doesn't focus on numbers. Don't rely on temperatures taken in the morning, says infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. "Our temperature is not the same during the day. If you take it at eight in the morning, that's probably normal," Schaffner said. Instead, take your body temperature in the afternoon and evening. "One of the most common symptoms of fever is that your body temperature rises in the afternoon and evening. That's a common way viruses produce fever." 

3. Dry Cough

Cough is another common symptom, but coughing because corona is not a regular cough. "It's not a tingling taste in your throat. You don't just cough to clear your throat. It's not just coughing from irritation," Schaffner explained. The cough is annoying and can be felt coming from inside the chest. "It comes from your breastbone or breastbone, and you can say that your bronchial tubes are inflamed or irritated," Schaffner added. A report issued by the World Health Organization in February found more than 33% of the 55,924 people with laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 had phlegm cough from their lungs.

4. Chills and Pain all over the Body

Chills and pain all over the body usually come at night. Not everyone will have a severe reaction, experts say. Some people may not shiver or get sick at all. Others may experience milder colds such as the flu, fatigue and pain in joints and muscles, which can make it difficult to tell if it's the flu or the coronavirus. One of the signs you have COVID-19 is if your symptoms don't improve after a week or so and continue to worsen.

5 Confusion.

Speaking of worsening signs, the CDC says sudden confusion or an inability to wake up and be alert may be a serious sign that emergency care is needed. If you or a loved one has any of these symptoms, especially with other critical signs such as bluish lips, difficulty breathing or chest pain, the CDC says to seek help right away.

6. Digestive Problems   

Initially science didn't think diarrhea or other typical stomach problems would appear as symptoms of SARS-CoV-2. The more research on survivors, it turns out that many are experiencing it. In a study outside China in which they looked at some of the earliest patients, about 200 patients, they found that gastrointestinal or gastric symptoms were actually present in about half of patients, dr. Sanjay Gupta said.

7. Pink Eyes

Research from China, South Korea and other parts of the world shows that about 1% to 3% of people with COVID-19 also suffer from conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eyes. Conjunctivitis, a highly contagious condition when caused by a virus, is inflammation of a thin, transparent layer of tissue, called conjunctiva, that covers the whites of the eyes and the inside of the eyelids. SARS-CoV-2 is just one of many viruses that can cause conjunctivitis, so it's no surprise to scientists that this newly discovered virus would do the same. However, pink or red eyes can be one more sign that you should contact your doctor if you also have other symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

8. Loss of Smell and Taste             

In mild to moderate cases of coronavirus, loss of smell and taste appears as one of the most unusual early signs of COVID-19. "Anosmia, in particular, has been seen in patients who ended up testing positive for coronavirus without other symptoms," according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. A recent analysis of mild cases in South Korea found the main symptom in 30% of patients was loss of smell. In Germany, more than two out of three confirmed cases have anosmia.

9. Ekstream Fatigue

For some people, extreme fatigue can be an early sign of being infected with a new coronavirus. The WHO report found nearly 40% of the nearly 6,000 people with laboratory-confirmed cases experienced fatigue. Fatigue can continue long after the virus has gone. Anecdotal reports from people who have recovered from COVID-19 say fatigue and lack of energy continue past the standard recovery period of several weeks.

10. Headache, Sore Throat, Stuffy Nose

The WHO report also found nearly 14% of the 6,000 cases of COVID-19 in China had symptoms of headaches and sore throats, while nearly 5% had stuffy noses. Certainly not the most common signs of the disease, but it is clearly similar to colds and flu. In fact, many of the symptoms of COVID-19 can resemble the flu, including headaches and digestive problems mentioned earlier, body aches and fatigue. Other symptoms that resemble a cold or allergy, namely a sore throat and a stuffy nose.

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