12 Natural Instant Home Remedies for Headaches

Headaches are a common problem that many people face every day.  However, at a time when the CVD-19 epidemic is getting worse, headaches are one of the symptoms of CVD-19 infection.

Still, I do not need to panic.  You can get a PCR test to find out if you have CV-19 or the common cold.  After that, you can deal with headaches naturally without medication.

Basically, the severity of each headache can vary from mild to severe. The duration of the headache may be different, lasting for a few minutes or even days.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for acne treatment:

1. Drink water

The first way to deal with a headache without medication is to drink plenty of water.  Ideally, the human body can function optimally with adequate fluid levels.  Headache, or dizziness, may be caused by a lack of fluid in the body.  So increase your water consumption to overcome this.

2. Reduce the Pressure on the Head

Another way to deal with headaches without medication is to reduce the pressure on the head.  Literally, pressures such as wearing a hat or wearing glasses or VR glasses can cause headaches.  The same thing happens when you think of many things at once.  Reduce the pressure, and feel the pain gradually subside.

3. Rest in Low Light        

Another way to deal with headaches without medication is to rest in a dark place.  Believe it or not, the bright, shining light that can damage your brain is constantly appearing.  Of course, if you are in a place like this, resting in a place where there is less light may be the solution.

4. Hot or Cold Compression

If you have a headache caused by muscle tension, hot or cold compresses can help reduce the pain.  If you have a migraine, use a cold compress on your forehead for no more than 15 minutes.  In the meantime, if you have anxiety-related headaches, try applying a warm compress on the neck or back of the head.

5. Stretching

One of the causes of headaches is muscle tension due to stress or other conditions.  Therefore, another way to deal with headaches is to relax and stretch the body.  In addition to stretching, you can do headaches such as yoga, Pilates, and Taichi, as well as regular walks.

6. Consumption of Hot Coffee or Tea

In moderation, coffee and hot tea help to reduce the symptoms of headaches.  The blood vessels that are stretched with the caffeine in both can become slightly sticky, so the headache is greatly reduced.

7. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine.  Acupuncture works by inserting thin needles into different points on the body.  Studies show that acupuncture may be a good way to relieve chronic headaches and migraines.  A needle inserted at a specific location can stimulate the release of endorphins by the nerves.

8. Check for Food Intolerance

Sometimes food intolerance can cause symptoms such as headaches.  If a headache seems to come after eating, it may be helpful for people to keep a diary of everything they eat each day.  This allows them to identify foods that trigger headaches.

9. Massage Pressure Points

Massage of certain pressure points can help relieve stress on the head and relieve headaches.  Many people do this instinctively, for example by rubbing the back of the neck or pinching the upper part of the nose when feeling anxious.  Many people find that rubbing their temples, jaws, or necks helps relieve stress and reduce the symptoms of anxiety.  Other areas of massage include the space between the two points at the base of the eyebrows on both sides of the bridge of the nose.  These points relieve stress on the eyes or head, and massaging them helps to relieve this stress.  Massage the neck under the skull to relieve stress.

10. Use Essential Oils

Aromatherapy relieves headaches by using a lot of essential oils.  According to a 2018 study published in the journal Children, Lavender essential oil inhaled for 15 minutes can reduce the severity of headaches.  According to a separate study published in the journal Pain, peppermint oil is more effective in treating stress headaches than placebo.

11. Drink Ginger

Ginger contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve headaches.  A study of 100 people found that drinking ginger was effective in relieving migraine headaches.  Not only does it relieve headaches, but drinking ginger extract can help reduce migraine symptoms and severe headaches such as nausea and vomiting.  To relieve headaches, take some time to inhale the fragrant weed before drinking ginger weddings.

12. Avoid Contact with Chemicals or Other Strong odors

For those who suffer from frequent migraines, it is wise to avoid strong odors when trying to prevent them.  A.D.  A 2013 study found that odors from sources such as perfumes or other fragrant chemicals can cause migraines in just a few minutes.

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