The 9 Best Natural Remedies for Vertigo Can try at Home

Vertigo is a symptom that causes a person to experience a sensation of spinning dizziness that appears suddenly. In severe conditions, the symptoms of vertigo can interfere with daily activities. Because, vertigo can cause loss of balance and disorientation. Vertigo attacks can even cause the sufferer to fall. When vertigo comes to the body, things that are felt are quite diverse such as mild dizziness and appear periodically.

Severe vertigo attacks usually have a long duration and can last for several days so that the sufferer cannot carry out activities normally. Vertigo itself has various causes, including: brain disorders such as tumors, trauma or head wounds, strokes, to migraines or unbearable headaches.

A common symptom when a person experiences vertigo is a spinning dizziness followed by buzzing ears. This can trigger nausea and vomiting. If this condition is allowed to continue, people with vertigo can fall because they lose their balance and cannot stand up. If they have lay down and closed their eyes, the sufferer will also still feel that his body is spinning and feeling palpitations that can trigger fainting.

Various Choices of Natural Vertigo Drugs Not only armed with medical-based medicines, natural vertigo drugs can also be a solution. There are various types of herbal vertigo remedies that are easy to process around you.

1. Ginkgo Biloba

The first natural vertigo medicinal option is ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba is known for a long time as an herbal remedy to help overcome the symptoms of dizziness and nausea in people with vertigo. Gingko biloba contains high antioxidants and can improve blood circulation in the vestibular organs or balance regulatory systems of the body, namely the cerebellum and inner ear. Ginkgo biloba can even improve memory and concentration and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Lemon Balm

The second natural vertigo medicinal recommendation is with lemon balm. Because it is one of the herbal vertigo remedies that you can try. This lemon-scented plant from the mint family is quite famous for its effects that can make a person feel more relaxed, relax tense muscles, and launch blood flow in the head and brain.

3. Ginger             

One of the properties of ginger is that it can be used as a natural headache remedy. Not only that, this herbal plant is also useful for relieving symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting in people with vertigo. You can consume ginger in the form of ginger steeping water or warm ginger tea.

4. Essential Oils

In a number of studies it is stated that essential oils made from ginger, peppermint, lemon balm, or lavender are believed to be able to act as aromatherapy that can help relieve symptoms of dizziness, nausea, headaches in people with vertigo. To become a natural remedy for vertigo, you can apply essential oil directly to the forehead or back of the neck while gently licking. Another way is to inhale the dripped essential oil into a hot water container or diffuser.

5. Consuming Water

One of the conditions that can cause vertigo is dehydration. Because when your body lacks fluids, the body cannot function properly. If this is the case, this condition can have a bad impact on various parts of the body, including circulation in it. Usually, when you are dehydrated, blood pressure will decrease. This has the potential to cause blood to not reach the brain, so the head becomes dizzy and vertigo arises. That is the reason, drinking water can be the easiest, cheapest and most effective natural vertigo remedy that you should try. So, make sure to always meet the needs of body fluids. Normally, you should consume 8-12 glasses of water every day.

6. Chamomile Tea           

One of the ingredients and properties of chamomile tea is traditionally used to treat dizziness, nausea, and headaches. In addition, this tea can also make you feel calmer and sleep better. Because of these benefits, you can consume chamomile tea as a herbal vertigo remedy. In addition to herbal medicine, you are also recommended to meet your intake of calcium and vitamin D to reduce the symptoms of vertigo and prevent recurrence. This is important because deficiencies in such nutrients can worsen the symptoms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

7. Epley Maneuver Therapy        

Natural remedies for vertigo can also take the form of therapy, one of which is Epley maneuver therapy. This simple therapy that is a natural remedy for vertigo can even be done independently at home. However, for the initial implementation of this therapy, you certainly need the help of a therapist. Usually, this therapy can be done as much as three times a day, until the symptoms of vertigo you feel subside after 24 hours have passed. For the safety of this therapy, you should not worry about it. The reason is, this therapy is relatively safe, especially if there are other people at home who can help you do Epley maneuver therapy.

8. Almonds

The next natural vertigo remedy is almonds. Eating a handful of almonds every day is believed to help relieve the symptoms of vertigo, as this type of nuts are rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin E.

There has been no further research explaining the effectiveness of almonds in overcoming the symptoms of vertigo. However, the presence of vitamin content in it can help fight the cause of vertigo.

In particular, almonds are what help the body control blood pressure so that it does not further aggravate the vertigo experienced.

9. Salmon           

Eating salmon can also be a natural vertigo remedy. Because, salmon contains vitamin D and is rich in omega 3 which is good for the body. This is because foods rich in vitamin D are believed to prevent the occurrence of vertigo symptoms, because one of the causes of vertigo disease is due to lack of vitamin D intake.

To get enough vitamin D and calcium intake, you can regularly bask in the morning sun and eat foods rich in these nutrients, such as fish, seafood, eggs, nuts, tofu, tempeh, milk, cheese, and yoghurt. If necessary, you can also take additional supplements as recommended by your doctor. Not only that, there are also several other ways that you can do in overcoming vertigo independently in addition to herbal medicine, namely by doing the Epley maneuver, the Semont-Toupet maneuver, or doing yoga or tai chi.

Also make sure to start implementing a healthy lifestyle to prevent vertigo from recurring. Get into the habit of eating a balanced nutritious diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding stress.

If you have done some of the methods above, but vertigo still often recurs and gets worse. Immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause and the right way to deal with vertigo so that it recovers quickly.


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