9 Tips to Help You Better Manage Stomach Ulcers


In medical terms, an ulcer is called dyspepsia. In fact, an ulcer is not a disease, but rather a symptom of a stomach disorder, such as gastric infection, GERD, stomach ulcer, peptic ulcer or gastritis.

An ulcer or stomach acid rise could have struck anyone and at any time. The cause can come from an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, such as always eating late, consuming too spicy food, consuming too much alcohol and coffee and others.

Ulcer symptoms can also be caused by psychological problems such as severe stress, anxiety disorders and depression. Symptoms that appear when stomach ulcers can interfere with daily activities. Therefore, how to deal with an ulcer can not be done carelessly.

How to Properly Overcome an Ulcer

Symptoms that arise such as stomach stinging, nausea, bloating and a sensation of heat in the throat and chest appear due to rising stomach acid which indicates irritation of the abdominal lining. Here's how to deal with an ulcer that you can do.

1. Adjust your Diet         

The first way to deal with an ulcer is to set the correct diet. It is recommended that you consume foods in smaller quantities or portions but with frequent intensity. Set a regular diet, avoid late eating and avoid foods that are potential causes of stomach ulcer symptoms.

2. Chew Food Slowly

To avoid the symptoms of an ulcer that arise, make sure you eat slowly. Chew food well and focused. It can also be a fairly effective way of dealing with an ulcer. However, you still have to do the first way, which is to manage a good and correct diet.

3. Limit Intake of Spicy, Acidic and Fatty Foods

Spicy, sour and fatty foods are delicious to consume, but these foods can trigger the appearance of ulcer symptoms. Spicy food contains capsaicin which can irritate the lining of the stomach that has been injured. The same is the case with acidic foods that can create an environment in the stomach to be more acidic.

High-fat foods such as fried foods and tend to be savory salty can trigger the appearance of ulcer symptoms and aggravate the situation.

4. Avoid Soda, Caffeine and Alcoholic Beverages

Drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages turned out to be a taboo for ulcer sufferers. Alcohol can irritate the lining of the throat and stomach and increase the production of stomach acid.

In addition, alcoholic beverages provide a relaxing effect on the muscles around the esophagus. So that when stomach acid rises, it is easier to cause a sensation of heat in the chest.

In addition to alcohol, also avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks. Caffeine and soda drinks are known to trigger stomach heartburn and aggravate symptoms in GERD disease.

5. Avoid Lying Down When You Just Finished Eating

The next effective way to deal with an ulcer is to try not to lie down or sleep after finishing eating. Give a pause of about two or three hours after eating so that the stomach acid produced does not rise into the esophagus.

Take advantage of the time after eating to walk leisurely so that bowel movements become smoother when digesting food. Avoid jumping around because it is able to trigger a recurrence of ulcer symptoms.

6. Change Bad Habits

Some bad habits such as smoking, never exercising or exercising in the wrong way can actually worsen the symptoms of an ulcer. Practice the positive habits below to prevent the symptoms of an ulcer from getting worse:

Quit smoke.

Don't drink too much late at night.

Exercise regularly but avoid exercising when you just finish eating.

Do not take drugs that cause stomach irritation.

Avoid using tight clothing that can put pressure on the stomach.

7. Manage Stress

If the cause of the ulcer symptoms is stress, the doctor will recommend you to do meditation, relaxation and counseling in addition to only giving ulcer relief medicines. If the ulcer problem is provoked by serious psychological problems, then the doctor will recommend that you undergo psychotherapy.

8. Get Enough Rest

One way to deal with an ulcer that is also very effective is to rest adequately. Overcrowding yourself to keep working can make the symptoms of an ulcer will get worse.

If you are experiencing symptoms of an ulcer, stop the activities you are doing for a while to rest until your condition recovers. Getting enough rest is also able to reduce the feeling of stress that triggers an ulcer.

9. Drink Herbal Tea        

You can consume herbal tea drinks that are usually made from ingredients such as ginger or dried chamomile. This can be a powerful way to deal with the symptoms of an ulcer. You just have to boil the water with pieces of ginger and then mix it with a few spoons of chamomile.


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